Below are the steps to add Billing Items from IP Bills :

Step 1-  Go to “IP” “IP Bills”.

Step 2-  Edit a Patient for whom Billing Items needs to be added.

Step 3-  Go to “Billing” section and click on “+Billing Items” option.

Step 4-  Search by item name and select from the suggestion below. To add more items click on “+Billing Items”

Step 5-  After adding the items click on “Save”.

Below are the steps to add Billing Items from Nursing Station :

Step 1-  Go to “IP” “Nursing Station”.

Step 2-  Edit a Patient for whom Item needs to be added.

Step 3-  Go to “Add Billing Items” section and you can go to respective sections ( i.e. Investigations, IP Services/Procedures,                 Others or Consultation) to add the items.

Step 4-  Search the item name and select from suggestion below.

Step 5-  After adding the items, click on “Save”.

Below is the video on How to add Billing Items for a patient who is admitted under IP for your reference :