We, at DocPulse, strive to exceed your expectations by continuously updating our software to make our software better. In the latest update, we would like to inform you about the changes below. 

Here is what we have been working on:

****** Doctor App for Video Consultation for Doctors ******

Based on the feedback received from many of our users and to address the challenge of doctors not having access to computers / laptops at all times, we have introduced the DocPulse Pro App for Doctors so that it will be easier and simpler for them to do the Video Consultation.


Please note that this is the first release and more developments are lined up in the coming weeks. Kindly share the links with all the doctors so that they can install and do Video Consultations easily through the App.


Features :

  • Doctors will be able to do Video Consultation from DocPulse App.
  • Doctors can view complaints, queries entered by patients, attachments like reports OR old prescriptions OR  any document attached by patients.
  • Doctors will be able to enter advice OR attach a document OR take a photo from the Camera and upload the prescription that you would like to share with the patients. ( Images attached for reference ).

You can download the App by clicking on the link below.


Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.docpulse.pro


iOS       : https://apps.apple.com/in/app/docpulse-pro/id1530304617

Features / On how to use mobile app visit: http://tiny.cc/vcapp

19/06/2024 Version :2054C

Enhancements :


  • Changed report name from Daily Detailed Billed Invoice Report to Daily Detailed Billed/Paid Report for the clear understanding of the users .
  •  Introduced 2 radio buttons, Billed and Paid in Daily Detailed Billed/Paid Report .
  • Ability to send Lab Reports by SMS/WhatsApp only to selected patients .
  • Ability to send  Stock Alert email if stock quantity in any of the store goes below the alert limit .
  • Introduced date selector while creating insurance request .
  • Ability to print "Created Date" in Purchase Invoice List View .
  • Ability to delete the templates created from Admin Id .
  • Ability to send email to admin contact email id whenever a billing item is added / edited / deleted to avoid any malfunction by the users.
  • Enhancement in the pharmacy stock status report to download the data based on drug company .
  • Ability to Send Prescription by SMS / Whatsapp for the patients .

Bug :

  • Fixed incorrect Appointment Status in Email which was sent to Admin .
  • Fixed EMR print status which was not getting updated correctly .
  • Bug fix to update patient details ,  when room details are saved from Setup Beds UI .
  • Fix for auto select of sub store in Indent Edit flow

03/06/2024 Version : 2053C

Enhancements :

  • Enhancement in the EMR section  , If an EMR is marked as completed, either the same doctor or the admin has the ability to  change it back to In Progress and edit the record .
  • Enhancement in the Monthly Appointment Report to display average waiting time .
  • In Open / Close Stock Viewable report , ALL option under store selector has been removed .
  • Enhancement in EMR prescription print out where the content added in patient note section  will be  printed in a separate column in the print out .
  • Ability to print the return indent from Nursing station .
  • Ability to show a proper message when barcode is scanned for pharmacy billing and item is expired .
  • Ability to remove drug type from the name in EMR and pharmacy printout ,If drug name contains the drug type .
  • Ability to print GST details in OP thermal print outs .
  • Ability to refund Insurance Payment for Cancelled Bill / Item .
  • Ability to print separate receipts in OP billing when multiple payments are involved .
  • Made changes to populate current time in EMR record when EMR is create from appointment List/Waiting room instead of appointment time .
  • Restrict cancellation/deletion of Pharmacy bills .

14/05/2024 Version : 2052C

Enhancements :

  • Enhancement in the EMR print out to print even comments added by the doctor if the field type is yes/no .
  • Ability to print total discount in the invoices printed through thermal printer .
  • Enhancement in the invoice print outs where name and gender are printed in bold .
  • Ability to print invoice notes in the print outs .
  • Enhancement in the EMR prescription section , when the quantity is mentioned in decimal say 0.5 it should show as 1/2 in the printout .
  • Enhancement in the IP Estimate UI for the ease of the users .
  • Made changes to hide 'Save/Print', 'Print' and 'Email' button in report edit view based on config map, If report is not authorised to ensure double check of the data entered in the report .
  • Ability to send  Lab /Radiology Report via SMS for specific patient .

05/04/2024 Version : 2051C

Enhancements :

  • Enhancement in Lab list view to show only authorised reports.
  • Alert pop up when user tries to cancel a bill which has lab report generated.
  • Enhancement in patient module to capture change log for any changes done in attachments section .
  • Added one more card type named "RuPay" when Payment mode is selected as Credit/Debit card .
  • Enhancement in Duty Roster print out .
  • Enhancement in Treatment UI for the ease of the users .
  • Support for Patient / Doctor notification via whatsapp .

02/03/2024 Version : 2050C

Enhancements :

  • Ability to specify emailId of referrer in Referrer configuration .
  • Ability to capture change log if there is a change in patient category .
  • Ability to select  multiple batch  while dispensing indents .
  • Made changes to include DOB in Daily Appointment Report .
  • Don't allow to create same auth roles .
  • Ability to capture comments when user is deactivated .

Bug : 

  • Fixed issue with respect to auto discount settings under pharmacy .
  • Fixed issue in Viewable Billing Summary Report .
  • Speech to text button was not working in Notes section under EMR .

24/02/2024 Version : 2049C


  • Ability to create each slot of 60 mins in calendar view .
  • Include Weekly and Alternate under prescription dosage drop down .
  • Renamed OP bill to OP Receipt if invoice is printed as receipt .
  • Made changes to not show billing items in IP Detailed Bill when quantity specified is 0 .
  • Ability to display receipt id in Monthly Collection Report .
  • Ability to print both Patient Category and File Number in the invoice headers .
  • Based on config map made changes to announce only token number in IVR instead of timings
  • Display Visit type details on the appointment slot under Daily View .
  • Minor enhancement in OP bill and EMR header .
  • Ability to send only visit type name instead of doctor name in the confirmation SMS .
  • Under non billable stock summary report  department column is added .
  • Ability to send clinic number in cancellation SMS .
  • Enhancement in OP and  Pharmacy Billing user view .
  • Ability to automatically mark the item as room specific item if item name is Room Charges , Bed Charges , Nursing Charges .

Bug :

  • View Tariff button under IP was not working .

30/01/2024 Version : 2048C

Enhancements :

  • Made changes to print receipt id in Monthly Collection Report.
  • If quantity is 0 then such billing items will not be shown in IP Detailed bill.
  • Include expired items in Open / Close stock report.
  • Based on config map , provided an option to edit the medical history fields and to hide the entered date in the print out.
  • Ability to add visiting doctors from admin id.
  • Made changes to mark payment mode as cheque automatically if payment for purchase invoices is done through PI list view.
  • Ability to print vendor name in the cheque print out.
  • Realignment of columns in Revenue Sharing Category Report.
  • Introduced Viewable Referrer Revenue Sharing Report.


  • Fixed minor bug in Monthly Detailed Billing Report.
  • Fixed issue wrt total discount amount  not getting updated based on selected date range in Payment Summary Report.

12/01/2024 Version : 2046C

Enhancements :

  • Included  effective cost and effective margin in Monthly Invoice Report for pharmacy invoice type.
  • Increased Form Preview UI height to show the form preview correctly.
  • Provided an option to select the date range for Over Due Vaccination Report.
  • Ability to download Over Due Vaccination Report in CSV format.
  • Removed mandatory check for aadhar card number if salutation is , Master, Baby, Baby of.
  • Ability to download the reports for an year.

29/12/2023 Version : 2045C

Enhancements :

  • Made changes to display created by user and date for all medical history fields in EMR.
  • Payment/Receipt Dates,Payment/Receipt Numbers,Payment/Receipt Amount columns are added in Monthly invoice report.
  • Introduced Start button in waiting room to capture consultation start and end time.
  • Made changes to send Clinic / Hospital name in the mail header for the emails sent to the patients.
  • Removed "EDD" mandatory check for IP Bed booking .
  • Comments added for a user will be displayed in user list view , with an icon ! when mouse hover on it comments added will be displayed .
  • If there is a due bill in pharmacy , then system  won't allow to discharge the patient in IP 
  • Minor enchancement in pharmacy bill print out

Bug :

  • While creating a new OP Bill , patient visit history was not showing 0

12/12/2023 Version : 2029C

Enhancements :

  • Made changes to send cancellation SMS template based on the reason selected while cancelling the appointment.
  • Provided  an option to add Gender while Add/Update User
  • Made changes to not consider special character ' while saving the department name
  • Merged  "Billing Summary,Department Summary and Billing Summary across Billing item report" into one report for the ease of the users.
  • Merged " Detailed In sourced Billing Report and In sourced Billing Summary Report" into one report for the ease of the users.
  • Merged Day-wise Report (user) and Day-wise Report (All) for the ease of the users.
  • Introduced a new "Patient wise log report  (Daily/Monthly/Yearly basis)".
  • Introduced a new report in EMR "Chief Complaints Report ".
  • Ability to print header and footer in the lab report sent via email to patient when the report is created by 3rd party and added as attachment in the lab report.


  • Changing medicine order in prescription under Nursing station was not working.
  • Minor issue in EMR Medical History field.

25/11/2023 Version : 2028C

Enhancements :

  • In Billed Patient IP report added one column named "Admitted From" to display if the patient is admitted through op or emergency.
  • Addition of Secondary Doctor fields under IP admission.
  • Ability to print Sischarge Reasons, Secondary Doctor Name and Admission Type in forms.
  • Viewable Chief Complaint Report.
  • Ability to capture insurance notes in Patient under insurance section.
  • Govt Id Aadhar should be mandatory for CSR Patient.
  • Given a pop up when billing is done more than allowed claimed amount IP.
  • Auto Updation of Insurance amount: Update claim amount based on Insurance Request from OP /IP.
  • Prevent Patient Duplication based on Patient Name, Father Name and Date of Birth.
  • Prevent Patient Duplication based on 12 digit aadhar number.
  • Removed aadhar card mandatory check for baby based on salutation "B/O".
  • Under Nursing Station show patient category and address in Prescription printout.
  • "The 'Description' field is activated for 'Other Services Type,' and the corresponding information will be printed beneath the item name on the bill."
  • Ability to book future appointments in walk-in slots.
  • Admitting doctor name should not be populated from Patient Registration Data for IP Bills.
  • Made changes to  show Customer GST number in final bill print out in IP.
  • Ability to show user license in user list view based on config map.
  • Round off the digits to whole number in Payment summary report.


  • Correct items were not added in the bills when created through Billing Queue.
  • Don't show the Important fields at the top of EMR if  value has NA.

16/11/2023 Version : 2027C

Enhancements :

  • Made changes to include  video consultation visit types if visit type is selected as ALL while creating the availability for the ease of staffs.
  • Provided an option to capture Discount and quantity in Treatment plan.
  • Provided an ability to import medicines from op EMR to IP EMR.
  • Provided an ability to import Diagnosis from op EMR to IP.
  • Made changes to not to send  link in email when send through purchase order list view .
  • Hide since column from IP emr if it is simple EMR.
  • Provided an Option to send hourly time window in SMS based on the appointment time.
  • Ability  to see the price of the medicine while prescribing  by the doctors.
  • Under IP Lab Request, Made changes for the Staff's to not  edit the Authorized Lab Report.
  •  Cancelled items names should show as strike out under op bill.
  • IP Summary Print Alignment Issue.
  •  Some fields marked as important were shown but without any field values at the top , this is fixed.
  • Made changes to display total amount collected as a row in IP detailed Bill Summary.


  • Custom date field in nursing station was not getting printed in forms.
  • Attachment is not sent when Pharmacy Invoice is sent through Email.
  • Forms/Letters list view sorting of forms is not working.
  • IP Bill List View Search by an Item  not working.

14/10/2023 Version : 2026C

Enhancements :

  • Made changes to include Treatment/Procedure column in EMR Report.
  • Ability to show reservedPendingPayment appointments in Appt list view.
  • Made changes to show quantity in case sheet or summary in EMR print out.
  • Made changes to show visitType marked for International Visit  always  last in the drop down during online appt booking.
  • Option to show the Quantity present in "To Store" while creating the indents from one store to other.
  • Provided an Option to Import Prescription in EMR from one doctor to Other.
  • Support Free Follow Up Appointments for Inperson Appointment.
  • Changes to the counts shown in Patient Analysis Dashboard for better understanding.
  • Made changes to show correct item date in detailed billing report.
  • Option to support Dosage Language in IP Prescription.
  • Ability to fetch form of patient, whose EMR was created in another location.
  • Provided an option to search patient based On Aadhar Card Number.


  • Issue w r t Treatments / Procedures are not shown in details under queues.
  • Change list issue under IP, while adding the billing items is fixed.
  • Show "Change Log" option based on changesPresent parameter.
  • Issue in Registration Desk UI under Patient module.
  • Fixed Printing 'Powered By' text issue in EMR.
  • Fixed issue wrt Patient Age  not getting printed in IP Summary.

21/09/2023 Version : 2025C

Enhancements :

  • Added DateRange for Bill Date in Insurance Statement .
  • Added new area option in patient registration.
  • Drop down option for Area with configurable values in patient registration.
  • Made chnages to retain  "Stocks Remaining in Main Pharmacy Store:  <value>"  data even after saving the EMR prescription.
  • Made changes to disable Save option for all sections when IP EMR is edited by 2nd user.
  • Ability to add new Diagnosis in Primary Diagnosis list in EMR.
  • Option to generate insurance Statement for IP bill.


  • Print option not working in Nursing Activity -> Order.
  • Unlock IP EMR when user logs out.

15/09/2023 Version : 2024C

Enhancements :

  • Option to generate insurance Statement for IP bill.
  • Show paid amount for each appointment if present, in the Appointment List view.
  • Ability to add new Diagnosis in Primary Diagnosis list in EMR.
  • Made changes to Display Billed Date for items in Insurance statement.
  • Made changes to display Insurance balance amount in Insurance Statement for OP/IP.
  • Made changes to display the name of all the doctors based on item billed in Insurance Statement.
  • Made changes to show patient count for items under item count summary in Detailed Billing Report.
  • Support for invoice Type in Insurance Request in OP /IP.
  • Ability to change status to "Sample Collected" without editing the Test Report in the Lab Requests/Queue.
  • In Detailed Insurance Statement Report included Service Name column.
  • Made changes to the previous data of the item while Creating the Purchase Order.
  • Added Date Range for Bill Date in Insurance Statement.
  • Drop down option for Area with configurable values in patient registration.
  • Support date range in EMR Report Downloadable.
  • Ability to create forms from EMR List view.
  • Ability to reduce service associated stock during OP service billing.


  • Stock data is not shown for medicines imported from Template

24/08/2023 Version : 1982C

Enhancements :

  • Made changes in IVR start time when availability is shifted even IVR start time also gets updated to retain the correct start time.
  • Made changes to not generate  IPD no should  for Day Care Patients
  • Included Due amount column in OP Billing Summary Report
  • Provision to show previous visit date in Empty case sheet
  • Display correct discharged invoices count in IP list view as soon as "Discharged" radio button is selected
  • Remove suspended doctors immediately from calendar view
  • Provided an option to save the report as draft in both lab and radiology
  • Display user count under Doctors and Operators for all active users
  • New report is added called "Corporate Wallet Report" similar to Patient Wallet Report
  • Support for discharge Notes in forms
  • Ability to print Lab Results in Discharge Summary form
  • Lock mechanism for IP EMR just like OP EMR to prevent 2 users from editing the same IP EMR
  • Ability to send payment link and accept payment optionally for an appointment
  • Changes to show total for each report category while printing item count summary under Detailed Billing Report
  • Disable Save option for all sections when IP EMR is edited by 2nd user
  • Sample collection time, result entry time, print time should be captured in the lab print out
  • Made changes to not to allow to edit or delete the authorized reports unless it is rejected by laboratory staff
  • Add Drug License Number in Vendor Addition.


  • Search By Doctor is not working in IP Billing List View
  • In EMR - Treatment list Status filter is not working.

17/07/2023 Version : 1974C

Enhancements :

  • Provided Store Selector in Low Stock Viewable Report and Dead Stock Viewable Report
  • Attachments uploaded in Patients to get added to the end of Claim form
  • Ability to upload attachments in Patients
  • Enhancement in thermal print outs 
  • Modifications for Patient Wallet Report
  • Provided an option to download Monthly Doctor Performance Report - Allowed max limit of 92 days
  • Provided an option to remove manual signature option in system generated receipt/invoice statement
  • "HS" Option is added under administration suggestion in EMR
  • Provided an option to activate  / deactivate the user from the user list for Admin.

27/06/2023 Version : 1969C

Enhancements :

  • Store Names in Store Drop down are sorted in alphabetical order
  • Include CPR number, Id number in the barcode printed from Lab Request
  • Renamed Lab Results to Lab/Radiology Results in EMR
  • Ability to select multiple stores while downloading stock status report and expiring stocks report
  • Patient Address and Area Column is added in Billed Patient IP Report , Monthly Appointment Report
  • Restricting Cancelling The Bill if lab reports are generated
  • Insurance class colour is displayed close to last column in queues
  • All Store Option  is added in Monthly Transaction Report Downloadable
  • Stock Transfers and Consumption" report is added in Downloadable reports under "Stocks" 
  • Ability to download Stock Status Report with limited columns representing Basic Stock data
  • UI changes to associate non billable items and stock quantity to a service
  • Sorting medications based on stock status
  • Added Hospital Area in CC UI for appointment list
  • Provided an option to send OP bill automatically to the patients via SMS
  • Excluded Retained and Non-Retained amount column in Pharmacy Billing Summary Report
  • Provided an option to download Monthly Doctor Performance Report for quarterly (92 days )
  • Capture Sample Collected User Name, Date and Time and the same is shown in the UI
  • By default disable Cancel button for OP for the operators.
  • Expiry Date is included to Pharmacy Barcode Sticker
  • Provided an option to select an item and download report  in Stock Transfer/Consumption Report
  • Detailed Vendor Payment and Vendor Payable Report is enabled for Stocks Module
  • Displaying Selling price in Stock Summary UI
  • New Patient/Old Patient Column is added in Monthly Detailed Billing Report.
  • Ability to modify the payment type from credit to other payment modes when a credit bill  is edited
  • Added New Born Invoice report under IP Billing and allowed to download quarterly ( 92 days)
  • Provided an option to select an item and download report  in Open close Stock Report

Bugs :

  • After creating a purchase order the current stock quantity for the item was showing as 0 made a fix to show the current quantity
  • Made a bug fix for Pharmacy Return Bill when more than 1 item was added it was not generating the Billing Summary Report correctly.
  • PDF Report Format Issue
  • Fixed a bug in Insurance billing 
  • Fixed a bug if same item is added twice in an indent with different batch then it was not allowing to return any of the item in the indent.

14/05/2023 Version : 1968C

Enhancements :

  • Ability to view Daily Collection Report for all users
  • Include Name field in the Form List View
  • Make Changes to send phone number along with Appt time in confirmation SMS if exact time of the appointment is sent
  • Warning message if dosage is not specified
  • Support "deal" option while creating purchase invoice
  • Enabling Edit Option For Staff ID Only in OP Bills based on authorisation
  • Ability to specify Claim ID in the insurance section of IP bill
  • Check box to be enabled in Lab to select/Deselect the Parameters
  • Support all store selection in expiry stock report both in downloadable and UI
  • Don't allow to save store name if multiple spaces are present in between
  • Print Patient category in EMR Prescription
  • Indication if stock item is partially dispensed
  • Remove expiry items from Stocks Status Report
  • Start date and End date selector in Expiring Stock Report downloadable and viewable
  • Include All in expiry and stock status report for non billable report
  • Quick Dispense option for store
  • Changes in indent printouts to show approval name and indent level status
  • Making Store name editable for saved indents
  • Changes in OP Bill Printout to look better
  • Add patient Address and Area column separately in Monthly Detailed Billing Report
  • Ability to print Notes of indents in Stocks Transfers And Consumption Report Downloadable
  • Display Total Amount in Purchase Order printout
  • Option to select All outsourced centers in Monthly Detailed Outsourced Center Report
  • Add Patient Category in Monthly Detailed Outsourced Center Report
  • Insurance Utilization Report for CSR patients
  • If the Insurance card expires, the staff should not be able to compute the payment under insurance
  • Option to enable or disable Insurance in patient database
  • In patient registration, add one more field where we can classify the type of insurance patient
  •  Facility to take patients digital signature 
  •  Patient Signature to be added in forms
  •  When insurance is disabled, all the queues, the insurance color code should not appear and it should show as a normal patient.
  •  Based on Insurance Class Selected, the color code should appear in all the queues.
  •  Prescribed Test to be renamed to Investigation Orders
  •  Sort Report Names Alphabetically in the Downloadable Reports drop down in each Section
  •  Enabled Treatments button in EMR for simpleEmr .
  •  Automatically calculate the total cost of Treatment when creating Treatment Plan
  •  Enable is chronic Check box in Diagnosis for Simple EMR
  •  In Detailed Vendor Payment Report the data is sorted in ascending order based on the cheque date 
  •  Ability to display patient photo in form  print out
  •  Allow import from previous option for out of stock items in Purchase invoice
  •  Include retained and non-retained amount column in Referrer Revenue Sharing Report
  •  Print Tax Invoice in the header in IP Detailed Bill printout
  •  Add indent number in Stock Open/Close Report for Internal Consumption
  •  Ability to change Expiry Date, Batch number, MRP of stock item
  •  Don't allow to edit the EMR created by one doctor by another doctor.

Bugs :

  • Issue while displaying qty of items while requesting the indent
  • Complaints section not getting printing in forms for OP EMR
  • Bug fix in open close stock report if invoice element is deleted.

25/04/2023 Version : 1967C

Enhancements :

  • Supported Template in OP Billing for the ease of the biller
  • Linking of patients to use the single wallet by the linked patients ( Family Members / donors and surrogate case )
  • Support IP investigation based on sample ID for lab machine integration
  • Made Payment Ref number Editable in Purchase invoice for Admin
  • Renamed Recieved by Insurance to "To be paid by Insrance " in the Insurance bill printout 
  • SAC code is displayed in IP bill printout for non pharmacy items
  • Bifurcation of tax in IP to CGST, SGST and IGST
  • Automatically calculate GST when room charges exceeds certain amount
  • Made provision to display Place of supply in IP Bill printout
  • Changed "Vendor Name" to "Vendor/Patient Name" in open/close stock report header
  • Order Management UI changes for the ease of the users
  • Ability to print Packaging size in Purchase order
  • Implemented Indent approval process
  • Ability to revert Initiate Discharge after patient is discharged
  • Ability to configure different selling price for Pharmacy items
  • Added doctor selector and patient category in Billed Patient IP Report  Downloadable
  • Added patient category in Quarterly Patient Report,Monthly Billed Patient Details by Billing Item,Monthly Collection Report and GST Report
  • Remove ability to update values of "damaged/missing" , "returned to distributer" in stock item.  "add to batch"  should be allowed only if the dispensed quantity is zero
  • Enable Add to batch based on configmap in search by Stock Item
  • Ability to view open/close report from "Stock Transfers / Consumption Report" for store to store transactions
  • Introduced Scroll bar for Key Health Stats in Past Visit Summary
  • Added "Save,Print Casheet and Complete" option in EMR Summary Section
  • Provided invoice type selector for Referrer Revenue Sharing Report Downloadable
  • Store Transaction report UI enhancement
  • Added Units per pack in Purchase Order UI while adding items
  • Pharmacy bill printout changes for displaying MRP based on config map
  • Ability to capture unit price in purchase order
  • Allow claim amounts to be edited only by Admin ID
  • Allow to create indents for zero stocks 
  • Ability to print Outsourced center name in bill printouts.
  • Ability to view "Stock Transfers / Consumption Report" from Pharmacy Menu
  • Ability to create sequential form/certificate ID based on form type
  • Sorting of the forms and letters list as showing the latest letter on top
  • Changes to show To Store, From Store and Indent number in Stock Transaction UI report
  • Modification in 'Billed Patient OP Report' to show summary of new and old patient based on the patient category.

20/03/2023 Version : 1966c


  • Option provided for Schedule X in the drop down for stock items and billing item schedule type dropdown 
  •  Added created by column in Insurance Request 
  •  Made changes to allow addition of drug name to dictionary in the prescription only for doctors and Admin for OP and IP
  •  Generation of GST ID in IP when patient is discharged
  • Made changes to print invoice date and GST ID in the IP detailed printout.
  •  Option to create forms from IP invoice
  • Provided an ability to capture price while creating Purchase Order
  •  Included Vitals, Medication Order in Ip Summary and Print
  •  Added Created_By column in Quarterly Patient Report downloadable
  •  Provided an option for QRcode in Lab report printout
  •  Renamed the word Refunds to "Carry forwarded to the next receipt" in the Op Invoice for Insurance claims
  •  Made Payment Ref number Editable in Purchase invoice for Admin
  •  Changed  "Recieved by Insurance" to "To be paid" in the Insurance bill printout 
  • Ability to add multiple patients into a wallet
  • Option to Link Multiple Patient in Patient Registration
  •  Sample Id generation and support lab machine interfacing for Ip Lab requests
  • Support Template creation in OP Billing for the ease of user


  •  Issue in Medication Order is fixed
  •  Fixed patient salutation error in reports in viewable reports
  •  Fixed issue wrt pharmacy vendor online payment mode
  • Fixed issue wrt mismatch of columns in Detailed Vendor Report

21/02/2023 Version : 1953c


  • Option to search pharmacy item by code.
  • Ability to edit the saved notes in Doctor Activity section under IP.
  • Ability to print Patient category in OP, Pharmacy and IP bills.
  • Add since Date for diagnosis in diagnosis report viewable.
  • Print patient category in detailed bill printout for IP.
  • Sort Medication order in the order of status as Pending, In Progress & Completed.
  • Display Help Text for all icons used in the UI.
  • Do not Print Diagnosis since date in the prescription print out.
  • Add created by column in Insurance Request.
  • Hiding of the individual prices of items in op and pharmacy print.
  • Provide an option to download Monthly Billed Patient Details by Billing Item for a year.
  • Add schedule type 'X' in scheduled type drop down for stock items and billing item.


  • Print hospital id prefix in detailed bill printout under IP.
  • Remove empty space from first name while registering the patient.
  • Fixed error while fetching claimed amount for insurance.
  • MMD card traction not being displayed in patient mmd account.
  • When Patient is selected it is not displaying Max Claim amt while creating new bill in op,Ip and pharmacy.
  • When medication is stopped it was not displaying the stopped medication correctly in medication chart.

24/01/2023 Version : 1949c


  • Support for Corporate wallet.
  • Support Corporate wallet in payment Summary.
  • Option to collect payment from corporate wallet in OP/IP/Pharmacy module.
  • Option to add GST while entering expenses in expense module.
  • Expense downloadable Report changes to print GST Details.
  • Highlight the start date in prescription printout when the start date entered is different from the created date.
  • Don't allow to login to DocPulse if the user's system time zone is not set correctly.
  • Display visit types in different color in appointment list view.
  • Formatting notes in Doctor/Nursing Activity in IP EMR.
  • Enable Patient Selector for general billing.
  • Display Admission type in IP bills list view


  • Discount is not getting applied when qty is mentioned as 2 (in  auto discount setting scenario).

04/01/2023 Version : 1944c


  • Make ability to create Medication chart for 62 days.
  • Display date and time in forms list view
  • Display Bill ID | Hospital Id in Lab List view barcode print.
  • Display Patient Category and Economic category in patient registration UI.
  • Ability to display all Tasks independent of date in the Task Module.
  • Disable repeat options for extended slot.
  • Dont't display indian state in state dropdown for non india customer in patient registration.
  • Display all dates in single line in a scroll bar in Medication Chart.
  • Disable access to edit forms after 24 Hrs of patient discharge.
  • Introduced doctor activity standard section in nursing station (IP EMR).
  • Enabled pharmacy invoice type option in Monthly Detailed Billing Report.


  • Remove Logo and website from Individual Doctor Queue page.
  • Waiting room time is not getting calculated correctly for pureArrivalMethod.
  • Form data not being display correctly when 2 similar forms are created on same date.

20/12/2022 Version : 1940c


  • Insurance Statement Detailed Downloadable.
  • Lab Order UI Enhancement.
  • EMR-> Template Browser UI Alignment.
  • Econsult-> Recharge Card UI Enhancement.
  • Pharmacy Request/Dispense Indent List View UI Alignment.
  • Billing List view UI Enhancement.
  • Econsult -> Manage Card UI Enhancement.
  • Select consultation type as Video consultation for Video Visit type automatically while configuration.
  • Display date column in Task List View.
  • Restriction of creation of the bill for Unregistered Patients from appointment list view in registration flow.


  • Remove Salutation Dr. from cancellation SMS and reservation SMS if user is not doctor.
  • Unable to reschedule the apt if apt is booked through enable repeats option.
  • Hospital Id is not displayed in the both daily and monthly collection report OP/Pharmacy/IP.

10/12/2022 Version : 1938c


  • Performance improvement in detailed collection report.
  • Display created by id under Medication Chart in nursing station.
  • Daily Collection Report starts fetching data as soon we access the report from the menu option.
  • In Daily Collection report combine Wallet/Online and Online payment mode  as Wallet/Online.
  • If Patient is admitted as Daycare, Room type can be displayed as Day Care and Room Num as "NA"  in IP List.
  • Ability to edit the plan date even after session is marked as Paid under Treatments.
  • Provide an option of attachment in Purchase Invoice.


  • IP EMR print button not working for non admitting doctors.
  • Not able to view the treatment details while booking the apt from calendar.
  • Date and time is not displayed while creating pharmacy return bill for item selected to return.
  • Delete option is not working for the stocks which are created using "without Purchase Invoice" option.
  • Total count option is not working in IP Billing Summary Report.
  • Patient Count is not displayed correctly in Op Billing Summary Report.
  • Created by id is not displayed under orders section in nursing station.

01/12/2022 Version : 1936c


  • Ability to download GST Sales report across stores.
  • Make GST Sale Report (Item/HSN) UI similar to GST Sales Report (Invoice) Downloadable.
  • Provide a way to create an IGST Invoice
  • If IGST Purchase Invoice, Print IGST instead of GST in purchase Invoice Printout
  • If IGST Purchase Invoice, Provide an option to enter IGST Percentage at invoice level.
  • Ability to view files attached in an invoice during lab report creation from List view
  • Ability to attach a file in the OP invoice List View

17/11/2022 Version : 1935c


  • New Task to enable VC Payment Refund for users.
  • EMR sharing across multiple location of same hospital
  • Sort Fields of Forms according to field order.
  • Don't allow to save the Form without selecting a form from dropdown.
  • Rename HSN Code to SAC Code in Billing Item Addition UI  for all item type except Pharmacy and Stocks.
  • Change HSN code to SAC  in OP bill printout.
  • Sort form names in alphabetical order.
  • Added Treatment Notes and Treatment Item Notes in Treatment UI and Printout.


  • After deleting the IP Bill and re admitting the patient, in form printout data is not getting printed.
  • Under nursing station "Summary and print" is not accessible for non-admitting doctor.
  • In Pharmacy-> IP request ,Add items while creating bill automatically even if it doesnot have stocks.
  • Single quote in a form value is converted to double quotes while converting to html.
  • View EMR option in Treatment not working.
  • When Other radio button is selected in Diagnosis section, it doesnot display the text box to enter the diagnosis (In IP EMR)

01/11/2022 Version : 1932c


  • Addition of Ordered Qty column in the Pharmacy IP Requests.
  • Add "G" in Scheduled Type drop-down in Billing item and Stock Item.
  • Ability to select Status as "Pending" or "Completed" in Treatment List view.
  • Enhancements in Treatment Module.
  • Add patient age and gender in monthly detailed billing report.

  • Add IM in route dropdown under Medication orders

  • Ability to select a department/category for detailed Monthly Billed items report

  • Display branch name from where patient was registered in one of the column in patient list view

  • Enable Visiting doctor  for OP Billing (For Bill Creation Only)


  • After clicking on add availability, sometime start date, start time and end time is not displayed

24/08/2022 Version : 1921c


  • Print patient contact number in Op Department Billing Summary Report when clicked on Amount.
  • Allow pharmacy user to modify the dispensed qty if requested and dispensed are not same while dispensing so pharmacy user can select different batch.
  • Display the user's name entering care notes in queue.
  • Option to add digital signature in OP Bill Print.


  • Removed All option under resource selector in EMR queue when logged in user is a doctor.
  • Auto selection of Gender when salutation is selected doesn't happen if we register the patient from Appointment list view.

17/08/2022 Version : 1919c


  • Exclusion of Sunday's in Next Review date calculation.
  • Display patient details to whom room is assigned under Bed Status.
  • Option to check Lab,Radiology,Consultation and All invoices in Billing List.
  • Option to create prescribed Test Template.


  • On Queue refresh data entered in care Notes in Queue list is lost so user needs to add data again.
  • If we create the bill from List view after apt is marked as completed then it updates the status back to arrived.

12/07/2022 Version : 1913c


  • After pressing tab+Q let the cursor wait on "Payment Ref Num" 
  • Added colour palette in Editor in EMR
  • In Follow Up Patient's report, display the  last visit date in red colour if patient has not visited within 
  • In EMR -> Treatment UI  there is no option to select the provider
  • Mobile Number and Email Id to be Mandatory for Video Apt (Internal)
  • Added Tutorial videos Links  in UI


  • When a Return Invoice is deleted then its not returning correct quantity back to stocks.
  • While creating the return invoice if remaining qty becomes 0 then it won't allow to change the return qty in the invoice.
  • If room is deleted from Bed Management, its not updating from Occupied to Available.

15/06/2022 Version : 1907c


  • Ability to transfer stocks from one location to another location.
  • When Bed Transfer is clicked from Nursing Station then in IP Bills it does not allow to edit the invoice
  • OP and Pharmacy Bill Change Logs is not getting displayed when we change the invoice date.
  • Sending feedback Sms to patient once consultation bill is created.
  • Not allowing to delete the item from PI even if initial quantity equals remaining quantity.
  • Remove "Book In Person Appointment" button from doctor page.
  • Sync Data after 5 min when new item is added or new stock is created.
  • Don't shift OP EMR when appointment is shifted.
  • Scheduled Type to be included in the Pharmacy Sales bill


  • While creating Bill from Queue,Authorised By: is not getting captured for Auto Insurance Discount.

15/05/2022 Version : 1906c


  • Option to select different stores while downloading the Low Stock Report
  • Difference quantity under Stock Adjustments is getting added up after each adjustment.
  • Print patient contact number in IP Bill printouts as its mandatory for some insurance companies.
  • Insurance Statement Summary Report Downloadable
  • Printing of care Notes in EMR Casesheet.
  • Remove time from IP detailed printouts.
  • Option to select Mode of Payment while creating Purchase Invoice
  • Print profession details which is captured during patient registration in the patient quarterly report
  • Addition of Patient occupation and and area in monthly appt report
  • Automatically change Salutation if Gender is changed during Patient Registration
  • Add Policy Number in IP Detailed Print for Insurance Bills.
  • Ability to mark all appointments as arrived when doctor is mared as IN(Based on configuration)


  • Attachments options under IP Bills is not working.
  • On Queue refresh data entered in care Notes in Queue list is lost so user needs to add data again.

15/04/2022 Version : 1905c


  • Display Due Amount column in IP List View
  • Ignore Video Consultation Appointments in Waiting Room when the appt status is marked as "Arrived"
  • Indication to show if IP request bills are created or not in Nursing Station.
  • Remove delete icon under Patient module for staff IDs
  • Remove "Revert Initiate Discharge" button for Discharged IP Invoices.
  • Option to Enter Gross Amount and discounted Amt in Insurance Map
  • Disable Wallet button if patient is not selected.
  • Display 6 months data while creating return bill in Pharmacy Returns.
  • Disabled function edit after adding a user.
  • Add "Partially approved" Option in insurance Request dropdown.
  • Do not allow admin to delete patients if a bill or EMR is created against a patient.
  • Make user Id as a suggestion while adding the users in Auth Center so that there will not be any wrong configuration.
  • While shifting appointments, handle reserved appts also to be shifted.
  • "All Stores" option under Stock Adjustment Loss Downloadable Report


  • IP Request Queue is not getting removed if item is deleted from nursing station 
  • Issue in payment summary report when custom date is selected with specified date
  • Previous date ip request item is getting added up while creating bill for current date ip request
  • Prevent cancelled Video Apt from becoming arrived when patient accesses the video link

15/03/2022 Version : 1905c


  • Do not allow feedback through Patient App if feedback is disabled
  • Ability to create past dated indent for admitted patient.
  • While registering the patient only Indian mobile numbers should have 10 digits
  • Fetch only OP Templates Data in OP EMR
  • New Report with sale, purchase and return details for a particular item - Open/Close Report
  • Removal of DOB as mandatory option while registering patient in Docpulse pro app.
  • Display a warning message when they click on "Download from Baseline" in Dictionary Setup for EMR
  • Display waiting room link in UI similar to web link in Public Access.
  • Option to delete rooms in Bed Management.
  • Sorting of drug suggestion based on strength.
  • Provide Department Drop Down option in User Wise Summary Report in Analysis.
  • Birthday Report Downloadable
  • Option to Refund to Patient wallet in Pharmacy return flow


  • Patient Salutations is not getting changed after changing the gender
  • Bulk payment option is not appearing in Pharmacy Manage Stock
  • When the appointment is cancelled, It has sent patient number in cancellation SMS
  • Bed charges not getting updated after discharging the patient.
  • Fulfil purchase Order button is not working when Pharmacy Vendor tries to check the order details.
  • Item search in Dictionary Setup is not displaying all the item names
  • Discount Amount is not being shown up in Pharmacy new return flow
  • Suggestion of medicines are not visible under IP Emr
  • In open /Close report Internal consumption and Store to store transactions are not considered.
  • OP Package item price is not getting calculated in IP Bills

15/02/2021 Version : 1904c


  • Restrict logins to one session per user Id at any given time.
  • Show store name while creating/Editing Pharmacy return invoices.
  • Ability to select the supplier or vendor from the list view so that they can view all the orders against the selected vendor ( Drop down status ).
  • Ability to add supplier or vendor name while creating orders so that they will know where the order is placed.
  • Ability to capture reference or job reference number in the Order Management.
  • Disable Admin Setting for Operator by default and enable it based on authorisation.


  • In simpleEmr, periodicity is not showing in UI but its printing the same.
  • Don't automatically add followup consultation item when OP bill is edited
  • Discounted amount is not getting considered while new return flow
  • Patient Salutations is not getting changed after changing the gender
  • Bulk payment option is not appearing in Pharmacy Manage Stock

15/01/2022 Version : 190c


  • Display Effective Rate in Stock Item.
  • Stocks Transfer / Consumption New -Downloadable report.
  • Add Gender and Age in Appointment Report Downloadable(Daily and Monthly).
  • Save button should be made mandatory after entering the administered date in Vaccination profile.
  • Use custom header only for email reports and not for printouts.
  • Don't allow to change discharge date and time while discharging the patient.
  • Refund payment If doctor doesn't respond to E consultation request with in 48 Hrs.


  • Dispensed quantity Issue in current stock status report.
  • Allergy Info are getting hidden due to multiple visits of the patients and doctors are not able to notice.
  • Payment summary issue while returning sub store stock.

15/12/2021 Version : 1855c


  • Inform the users to save the changes before automatically logging out when new version of software is released.
  • Display slots on website from current time based on minutes configured in calendar settings.
  • Option to change Q position from Staff id based on Authorisation.
  • Don't allow to book website appointment when time is passed and when user clicks on continue button to make the payment.
  • Visit Type to be displayed In Apt waiting room display.
  • Do not allow patients to request multiple refunds from the App.


  • Indent receiving issue in store to store transaction.
  • Selected store is not being considered while showing billed details when clicked on count in Billing Summary Across Billing Items Report.

15/11/2021 Version : 1854c


  • Don't allow Other characters apart from alphabets in patient name.
  • Support only numeric value in national Id in Appointment booking Page.
  • Add "Patient Mobile Number" column in Monthly detailed billing report.
  • Change Doctor URLs to support entity Id and Unique Id of the doctor(Doctor page)
  • Simplified sending E-Consult Response flow.
  • Display Doctor Name in Pharmacy Q & OP Q


  • Vaccination template is not visible for first time if logged in from any operator ids

15/09/2021 Version : 1853c


  • Ability to create separate bill for Returns in Pharmacy.
  • Support for country code while booking appointment via website.
  • Do not allow users to enter decimal values when the items are in Individual.
  • Display Insufficient message in pop-up instead of disappearing message at the top in Pharmacy UI.
  • Online Ordering System
  • Order link construction and share with patient along with prescription.
  • Provide Third Party API to create un-registered patients.


  • Instead of Booked By Name,Email id was getting printed in Apt report Downloadable.
  • Issue in MMD Login when there are insufficient credits remaining.

01/09/2021 Version : 1851c

Enhancements :

  • Make Patient Selection mandatory in New Return flow for Pharmacy.
  • Automated way of creating Pregnancy Reminders by Import.
  • Display the mobile number along with country code in apt list.
  • Don't allow to delete Admin User


  • Birthday SMS are failing as patient and Hospital Name exceeding 30 chars.
  • Server Error when clicked on Update Email in Lab Requests.
  • Indent list is not reflecting in Ip->Nursing->indent until clicked on refresh button

24/08/2021 Version : 1850c


  • Provided Country code selector while booking appointment via website. 
  • Changes in patient App for handling Cancellation and Refund for appointment.
  • Displaying data for current and future dates in appointments across doctors and Staff and Total
  • Easy way to access Video Consultation Link for patients (Mainly for Kiosk setup)
  • When send Response is clicked made changes to show alert dialog to keep record open for report attachments or to close for Video Consultation records.
  • Display a proper message when Admin tries to add doctor/opertator with same email/mobile number.
  • Allow  only admin to edit department for Doctors
  • Added Notes in EMR Download Report UI
  • Ability to specify different prices for room specific items for Insurance.
  • Billing account details for Admin
  • Alert Email Notification when Billing item is deleted/edited
  • In-Person appt Notification alert for Staff/Admin
  • Only Patient Specific to doctor needs to be  displayed in Doctor App of patient Registration based on configuration
  • Queue visibility in MMD patient App (Mainly to check their appointment Queue number)


  • Mandatory field not working in patient registration.
  • In case of default store, sub-total,GST and Discount is not displayed in Purchase Invoice.
  • When show more is clicked on apt booking page after selecting the department, the current list of doctors get duplicated.
  • It was displaying the report fields in Lab Reporting UI even if specific test was cancelled.
  • Łt the time of adding credit note in Return invoice it was not allowing to save the invoice.
  • Import from previous button is not working in Purchase Invoice Flow
  • It was not displaying stock item data for next page in internal consumption report
  • While entering the medication if user has kept the dosage box blank instead of 0 by mistake, it was not allowing the user to save the prescription and UI get hanged.

21/07/2021 Version : 1839c


  • Option to select VC or In Person while adding a doctor or service.
  • While adding a doctor/service check for mobile number and display doctor details if user is already added.
  • Admitting doctor made mandatory while admitting patient in IP.
  • Performance Enhancements in Appointment booking page.
  • Support for IGST in OP Billing and print.


  • Not printing the signature in Forms / Letters when configured in Profile.
  • Effective Purchase rate was getting wrongly calculated in Stock Transfers / Consumption Report.
  • Display correct EMR Count in EMR List view when count is taken for  Week /Month.

07/06/2021 Version : 1824c


  • Option to block the Video by the patient in app/web.
  • Option to apply discount by default while creating pharmacy bills.
  • Ability to mark the appointments completed from Calendar View for VC Appointments.
  • Ability to specify Update similar to Task Management.
  • Ability to specify Order Due Date in Order Management.
  • Option to upload signature from Doctors Profile.
  • Don't allow Bed Reservation charges from the wallet if the patient is not Admitted.
  • Don't allow to change Packaging while adding stock items from the purchase invoice.
  • Change "Pack Size" to Unit Size in stock Item Add UI.
  • Added "Units Per Pack" in Quick add  New Billing Items present in New purchase invoice. 
  • Restrict creation of PI with same invoice number in new PI Flow.
  • Microphone option enable/disable option to be provided in web link (Patient Side).
  • Indication of microphone or camera disabled on Web app when patient or doctor microphone/camera is muted.

Bug Fixes:

  • When indent is printed from List view it is not printing the data.
  • Issue while making payment in iOS devices
  • If change patient is done for VC then it doesn't reflect the appointment with the new number in patient app
  • Issue in header in Daily Appointment Report when downloaded from Corporate & Individual Admin account
  • Issue while deleting package entitlement
  • "Is this a package" is getting selected by default when an item is edited
  • It was not allowing to create a Return invoice in some cases.

17/05/2021 Version : 1819c


  • Option to reset password by Mobile number for doctors.(Web application only).
  • Login with Mobile Number for Doctors.(Web application only).
  • Provide ability to select Department under Econsult->Video Appointments.
  • Raise a support ticket for Refund request whenever "Click to Refund" is clicked from Video Apts list view.
  • Indent Ids will be displayed comma separated if stocks get added to the same batch of stock item via indenting.
  • Merging of stock Items to same stock item if batch is same for the stock item.
  • Ability to mark Video Consultation Appointments as "Serviced" in apt list if response/prescription is sent.
  • External Doctor added as referrer in Patient Registration should automatically get added to OP bill when bill is created for a patient.
  • Tax and Purchase price column addition in GST Output Report.
  • For Video Consultation visit type enable payment by default.
  • Remove "Mark as Complete" button from preview and Respond section for Econsult EMR .
  • Ability to import the previous records irrespective of previous visit type.
  • Registration Charges removed in Viewable and Downloadable referrer revenue sharing report.

Bug Fixes:

  • When an item is searched by Rack number and stock is adjusted it is not displaying all the stock present in the rack number.

15/04/2021 Version : 1806c


  • ICD Radio button to be selected by default in EMR -> Diagnosis Section.
  • HSN code option support in OP Billing and same get printed on bill printout .
  • If Ip Package billing items are selected in Op billing then don't allow to add the package and give a proper message.
  • Display Indent Number for Stock Items transferred through indenting in Pharmacy.
  • Vendor/ Store Name added in Low Stock Reports Viewable in Pharmacy.
  • Support multiple Email id  in Pharmacy Vendor UI.
  • Don't allow to delete Billing items for Non Admin.

Bug Fixes: 

  • When reuse patient is selected while admitting the baby from "Admit Baby" workflow from IP bill then it is not admitting the baby.
  • When user closes the chrome tab after editing an invoice in IP it was not allowing other users to edit the bill.
  • When Import Indented Medicine is not working in Discharge Notes Section of IP EMR.
  • Referrer List not displayed in Referrer UI
  • Not able to save Referrer on Edit from Settings

22/03/2021 Version : 1789c-1791s


  • Minor enhancements in mobile for Patients.

19/03/2021 Version : 1789c-1790s


  • Minor enhancements in mobile for Doctors.

19/03/2021 Version : 1789c


  • Alert for "Out of Stock" medicines in EMR when doctors enter the prescriptions.

  • Minor enhancements in IP Billing & Pharmacy modules.


  • Minor bug fixes in IP Billing & Pharmacy modules. 

16/03/2021 Version : 1786c-1788s


  • Minor bug fix in Pharmacy module.

13/03/2021 Version : 1786c-1787s


  • Minor bug fix in OP Billing module.

12/03/2021 Version : 1786c


  • Ability to send customer specific feedback links in SMS to patients after appointment completion.

  • Minor changes in Pharmacy Bill Print out.

  • Minor enhancements in Discharge Summary print out.


  • Minor bug fix in Pharmacy module.

08/03/2021 Version : 1783c-1785s


  • Minor bug fix in IP Billing module.

08/03/2021 Version : 1783c-1784s


  • Minor bug fix in OP Billing module.

04/03/2021 Version : 1783c


  • Ability to configure same availability in 2 different locations and disallow booking on the same slot.

  • Minor enhancements in Forms in IP Module. 

  • Minor enhancements in email validation while registering the patients or booking appointments. 

  • Ability to return expired items to Vendor in Pharmacy Return Invoice creation.


  • Minor bug fixes in IP Billing module.

27/02/2021 Version : 1781c-1782s


  • Minor bug fixes in OP Billing module.

26/02/2021 Version : 1781c


  • Ability to add absolute value in Invoice Level Discount in Purchase Invoice.

  • Ability to select "ALL" resources in Queue module along with ability to select individual doctor names.

  • Minor enhancements in EMR Module. 

  • Ability to specify the number of free follow-up consultations for a given duration.


  • Minor bug fixes in Pharmacy Returns workflow & billing modules.

19/02/2021 Version : 1780c


  • Minor bug fixes in Mobile Apps

19/02/2021 Version : 1779c


  • Minor bug fixes in Analysis Report.

18/02/2021 Version : 1778c


  • Ability to add Invoice level discount in terms of absolute value in Purchase Invoice.

  • Ability to view attachments in Lab & Radiology reporting modules when clicked on View option instead of editing the report.

  • Ability to search by compositions while indenting from IP to Pharmacy & Store to Store indents.


  • Minor bug fixes in Day Wise Report & Pharmacy Expiring Stock Report in Analysis

  • Minor bug fixes in patient registration, appointments & pharmacy modules.

15/02/2021 Version : 1776c-1777s


  • Minor bug fix in displaying OP Insurance Amount in Payment Summary Report.

11/02/2021 Version : 1776c


  • Ability to search by Referrer Name in Referrer UI.

  • Minor enhancements in Day Wise Stock Status Report in Pharmacy Reports.

  • Minor enhancements in Descriptive Dosage drop down menu.

  • Additional column added in Pharmacy Stock Status Report in Downloadable Reports.


  • Minor bug fixes in Patients, EMR & Pharmacy modules.

  • Minor bug fixes in doctor online appointment page.

05/02/2021 Version : 1775c


  • Ability to search by GRN Number in Manage Purchase/Return Invoices User Interface in Pharmacy module.

  • Additional fields / columns added in Monthly Billing Patient Details by Billing Item Report.

  • Minor enhancements in OP & IP Billing modules.

  • Ability to send timezone in patient email for Video Consultation appointments.

  • Ability to print doctor qualifications in EMR Print out.

  • Minor changes in IP Pass Sticker Print Out.


  • Minor bug fixes in Appointments, OP & IP billing, Pharmacy & Analysis modules.

30/01/2021 Version : 1773c-1774s


  • Minor enhancements in mobile app.

28/01/2021 Version : 1773c


  • Ability to display suspended doctors & operators in User List View when logged in from Admin User Id.

  • Minor enhancements in Pharmacy Stock Management.

  • Ability to display dispensed but not received items in Indents List View from store to store indents are created. 

  • Ability to specify the department for Coupon Codes so that the coupon code will be applied only for these doctors associated with this department.

  • Ability to view EMR from treatments module so that the doctors can refer to EMR about the prescriptions, complaints entered in EMR against that patient. 

  • Minor enhancements in billing items interface while adding packages.

  • Minor enhancements in pharmacy purchase invoice entry interface when items are dispensed from a store.


  • Minor bug fixes in Billing, Pharmacy modules.

  • Minor bug fix in printing details when thermal printer is enabled in Pharmacy module. 

2/01/2021 Version : 1771c-1772s


  • Minor bug fixes in mobile app related to patients. 

22/01/2021 Version : 1771c


  • New feature to suspend doctors from User Interface so that admins can suspend doctors who are not a part of the clinic / hospital themselves. 

  • Minor enhancement in displaying timezone when online appointment is booked by the patient. 

  • Minor enhancement in IP Billing if the user has entered payment and not saved rather taking a print out. 

  • Minor enhancement in Expiring Reports in Pharmacy not to include "No Expiry" items in viewable & downloadable report. 

  • Ability to select "All" stores in Billable Pharmacy Stock Status Report. 

  • Ability for patients not to cancel appointments from the website if it is a paid appointment as we need to process the refund. ( Currently, it is difficult to track the cancellations and hence the team made a change to now allow patients to cancel paid appointments from website or App ).


  • Minor bug fixes in online appointment booking when prefix is enabled & bug fix in online doctor page.

  • Minor bug fixes in pharmacy module, monthly invoice downloadable reports.

19/01/2021 Version : 1768c-1770s


  • Minor bug fixes in Mobile App for doctors.

19/01/2021 Version : 1768c-1769s


  • Minor bug fixes in Mobile App for patients.

18/01/2021 Version : 1768c


  • Stock Transfers / Consumption Report in Pharmacy module. This report will display information related to internal transfers of stocks from one store to another. You can also track stock transfer to individual people as well. 

  • Minor enhancements in Stock Adjustments User Interface in Pharmacy Module. 


  • Prefix is not considered while retrieving patient details for booking appointments via website in case prefix is configured in customer’s account.

  • Fixed alignment issue in Stock status report UI

  • In stock adjustment UI when item is searched it is not considering store ID

15/01/2021 Version : 1766c-1767s


  • Minor bug fixes in Mobile Apps in both doctors ( DocPulse Pro App ) & patients apps ( MMD App ). 

13/01/2021 Version : 1766c


  • Minor bug fix in MeetMyDoctor ( MMD ) App for patients related to payments.

12/01/2021 Version : 1764c-1765s


  • Minor bug fix in finalization of Bills in IP Module.

12/01/2021 Version : 1764c


  • Ability to configure “Role Names” for users in stores for Pharmacy & Store Management so that only these stores will be enabled for the logged in users. 

  • Minor enhancement in Billing Summary across Billing Items Report where "All" option is enabled under department selection when doctor name is selected.

  • Minor enhancements in Doctor & MMD App for Video Consultation.

  • Minor enhancement in Label / Sticker Print Outs in IP Bills.


  • Minor bug fixes in IP Module.

08/01/2020 Version : 1763c


  • Minor bug fix in store selector for default store in Pharmacy & Stock / Inventory Management.

07/01/2021 Version : 1762c


  • Minor changes in Store Selector while requesting indents in Pharmacy OR Stock / Inventory Management.


  • Minor bug fixes in Token Display Announcement in Queue OHD.

04/01/2021 Version : 1761c


  • Ability to view stock data at end of the month by selecting month & year in Pharmacy Stock Status Report.

  • Minor enhancements in MMD / Online appointments User Interface in displaying Video Consultation & Normal Consultation Slots. 

  • Ability to view Refunds data in Monthly Invoice Report.

29/12/2020 Version : 1760c


  • Ability to add Item Level Discount in IP Bills.

  • Ability to search by Start Date & End Date in IP Bills for discharged status.

  • Ability to view count / total number of bills for a given duration in IP Bills List View for Discharged Patients.

  • Ability to Day / Week / Month / Year Wise Summary Report separately for OP, IP & Pharmacy in Analysis. 

  • Minor enhancements in displaying package total in Summary View inside IP Bills & optimization in displaying IP Bills for discharged patients. 

  • Ability to print Consultation Validity in OP Bill Print outs. 

  • Ability to select Report Category from drop down menu instead of free text box entry. 

  • Minor changes to send the new MMD App Link to download lab reports for patients.


  • Minor bug fixes in Pharmacy & IP Transactions Report. 

  • Minor bug fixes in Call Center Interface related to displaying of availability, overlapping of lab report fields and related to displaying of photos in doctor queue.

18/12/2020 Version : 1759c


  • Token Display Reload Bug fix in OHD Display.

17/12/2020 Version : 1758c


  • Disabling automatic referral features in IP & Pharmacy modules when the referral is added in the patient for automatic discount profile update in invoices. 

  • Disabling of MRP > Rate check in Stocks module as some of the items may not have MRP specified like gloves, masks etc.

  • Minor enhancement in token display sound activation in OHD.

  • Ability for users not to change the patient once the bill / invoice is saved.

  • Ability for users not to change the mode of payment once the bill / invoice is saved. 

  • Simplification of Purchase Invoice / GRN entry for pharmacists so that they will know the total added against each item and cross check before saving the invoice.


  • Minor bug fixes in IP & Pharmacy Module. 

  • Bug fix while adding new items or editing of items with the same name in Billing Items.

14/12/2020 Version : 1757c


  • Minor enhancements in the Pharmacy Indent process for nurses in nursing stations & updating the prices or deletion of pharmacy items in IP Billing module.

  • Ability for the staff to change the doctor name without deleting the package when a wrong doctor name is selected while billing in IP Module.

  • Minor enhancements in IP Billing module to handle deletion & addition of packages if any.

  • Minor changes to send new MeetMyDoctor App link in SMS to patients for booking appointments & consult with doctors for Video Consultation. 


  • Minor bug fix in lab report PDF when sent in email to patients if custom header is configured.

  • Minor bug fixes in the Pharmacy module. 

10/12/2020 Version : 1756c


  • Minor enhancements in validation of email entered by patients while booking online appointments for normal & video consultation appointments.

  • Minor changes in Billing Summary Across Billing Items Report & displaying it separately in OP, IP & Pharmacy and ability to select start & end date. 

  • Minor enhancement in EMR module - added “Cycle” as one of the options in Periodicity.

  • Ability to change the background for doctor display while displaying the token number.


  • Minor bug fix in printing total correctly in IP Detailed print out when insurance is selected as the mode of payment.

  • Minor bug fixes in OP Billing, Pharmacy & IP Billing modules. 

07/12/2020 Version : 1753c-1755s


  • Bug fix in IP Package Print Out.

04/12/2020 Version : 1753c-1754s


  • Bug fix in Vaccination profile update in 2nd location.

04/12/2020 Version : 1753c


  • Minor UI changes in Summary View in IP Bills.

  • Minor enhancements in Monthly Detailed Billing Report in downloadable reports for OP, Pharmacy & IP Modules.

  • Ability to include "Consumables" inside packages in IP Bill for some insurance companies. ( By default, consumables will be outside the packages ).

  • Ability to add Item Level Discount for Consultation Items inside Packages in IP Bills.

  • Minor enhancements to select "Main Store" by default in case there are multiple stores configured in the account.

  • Minor enhancements to display a message in MMD App for patients to connect for Video Consultation.


  • Minor bug fixes in Monthly Detailed Billing Report in downloadable reports, IP Module & Pharmacy Modules.

24/11/2020 Version : 1752c


  • Displaying of Billing & Room Charges section inside IP Bill for discharged invoices so that the users can verify the doctor associated inside packages.

  • Addition of total column across all batches in Billable Stock Status Report in downloadable reports.

  • Addition of visit type column in EMR Downloadable Reports.


  • Bug fix related to token announcement in Common Display.

  • Minor bug fixes in Appointments & IP Modules.

19/11/2020 Version : 1751c


  • Displaying of patient attachments in Chief Complaint for previous visits inside EMR.

  • Minor enhancements in EMR Print out.

  • Minor enhancements in displaying package details in IP Module in Summary & print outs.

  • Ability to resend SMS to patients & doctors from Appointments List view to resend SMSes incase patients haven't received the notifications.


  • Minor bug fixes in IP Billing, Analysis & Appointments and Video Consultation modules.

12/11/2020 Version : 1750c


  • New Report - Doctor Payout Report Viewable for admins to check the report before downloading the report.

  • Enhancements in Search by Stock Summary - additions of columns like Margin, Tax & discount.

  • Minor changes in Daily Collection Report related to Patient Wallet amount.

  • Considering item level discount for doctor items in doctor charges report.

  • Performance improvements & enhancements for longer admissions in IP Billing.


  • Minor bug fixes in selecting the correct billing element / item while creating invoices for VC Appts.

10/11/2020 Version : 1748c-1749s


  • Minor Bug fixes in IP Billing Module for updating prices correctly.

09/11/2020 Version : 1748c


  • Displaying logged in doctor names in different colour to easily identify the records for a selected patient. 

  • Minor enhancement in OP & IP Billing modules where the department needs to be selected first and then doctor so that the doctor payout reports are generated correctly. 


  • Minor bug fixes in the billing module related to patient wallet amounts and indent printing issue in Pharmacy module.

09/11/2020 Version : 1746c-1747s


  • Minor bug fixes in the billing module. 

04/11/2020 Version : 1746c


  • New Report “Consultation Stats” is implemented where doctors will be able to view the statistics where we display the details about the number of patients seen by the doctor. This is currently enabled only in the doctor dashboard. 

  • Do not select Cash as the default mode of payment mode while cancelling the OP Bill or a particular item.

  • Hide Price of any investigation or item that is added by nurses in the Nursing Station.

  • Remove time for Room Specific Items in IP detailed print outs.

  • Display Doctor Name in Header inside IP Bill so that the users will know the admitting doctor's name.

  • Amount to be displayed as after discount in "Invoice Total Paid" column in Doctor Charges Report in downloadable reports.

  • Displaying of dates in sequence for normal bills in IP Detailed Print Out.

  • Displaying of discount separately if discount is provided for individual doctor consultation charges in IP Bill in Monthly Doctor Charges Report.

  • Ability to specify Consultation Validity for a Consultation item so that when the patient visits the clinic / hospital next time then automatically follow-up consultation will be selected.

  • Ability to select correct charges for follow-up consultation if the patient visits the clinic / hospital in person and next visit the patient will do a video consultation provided the same mobile number needs to be the same number of the patient.

  • Minor enhancement to send Doctor App link and instructions to doctors for Video Consultation.


  • Issue in displaying Change Log when payments are added for the same patient on the same day ( This used to happen only in specific cases ).

  • Minor bug fixes in appointments, billing & Monthly Billed Patient report in downloadable reports. 

22/10/2020 Version : 1742c


  • Ability to change discharge date & time in print outs only in IP Bill.
  • Ability to select Store and view stock information in Search by Stock Item & Summary UI.
  • Minor enhancements in Pharmacy Search By Stock Summary UI.


  • Minor bug fixes in EMR module, EMR Follow-Up, Payment Summary & downloadable quarterly patient reports.

19/10/2020 Version : 1741c


  • Ability to search by patient name / number / ID in Bed Booking UI to know the number of bed bookings done against the patient selected.
  • Minor enhancements in Monthly Detailed Billing Report & Monthly Invoice Report for Pharmacy in Downloadable Reports.


  • Minor bug fixes in Appointment Video Slots Information Email & pharmacy module.

15/10/2020 Version : 1740c


  • New EMR Report - Follow Up Patients Report in EMR Module where we will display the patient details, last visit of the patient and the next visit date so that the staff can call the patients if required and follow-up with them. Software already has a feature where it automatically sends SMS to patients about follow-up visits.
  • Ability to search by start date & end date to view the purchase details for a particular item in Pharmacy & Stocks.
  • Optimization in EMR Printouts by removing additional blank rows in between sections.
  • Minor enhancement to create tokens in Pharmacy when only Advise is entered in EMR even though medicines are not entered so that the patients can collect prescription print out from Pharmacy Counter.
  • Ability to display initial quantity, free quantity and invoice number in Stock Summary UI when searched by item name in Pharmacy & Stocks.
  • Minor enhancements in Reports in OP Module.


  • Minor bug fixes in Appointments, Queue Display & IP modules.

12/10/2020 Version : 1739c


  • Ability to view EMR in List View without editing the record to view the details even for completed records.
  • Do not allow an IP Bill to be cancelled if there is payment collected. Provide an error message to refund the payment and then cancel the IP Bill.
  • Option to generate Patient Report for a selected Referral Type in Patient Downloadable Reports.
  • Minor UI Enhancement to display details in Stock Adjustment UI in Pharmacy & Stocks.


  • Minor bug fixes in appointments & EMR Modules.

09/10/2020 Version : 1737c-1738s


  • Minor bug fix in EMR related to attachments.

08/10/2020 Version : 1737c


  • Sorting of nursing activity in IP EMR according to date & time.
  • Ability to select the next batch automatically in Indents in quick dispense workflow in IP EMR.
  • Ability to display stock information according to the main pharmacy store instead of all stores.


  • Minor bug fixes in queue display, IP EMR & GST Report in Item / HSN Code Report.

06/10/2020 Version : 1736c


  • Minor enhancements in Vaccination profile updation from OP EMR.
  • Minor enhancements in IP Billing when insurance is disabled and converted to cash patients.
  • Minor enhancements in OP, IP & Pharmacy modules.
  • Addition of Expiry Date column in Stock Adjustment Loss Report in downloadable reports.
  • Ability to select "STAT" or "SOS" in IP EMR in Medication Orders.


  • Minor bug fixes in Appointments & Pharmacy modules.

01/10/2020 Version : 1734c-1735s

Bugs :

  • Minor bug fixes in Appointments module.

01/10/2020 Version : 1734c


  • Ability to select "All Stores" is provided while downloading the Stock Status Report to know the stocks across all stores including the main store.
  • Ability to select "All Stores" is provided while downloading the Billable/Pharmacy Stock Status Report to know the stocks across all stores including the main store.
  • Ability to select all Pending Tests in "IP Lab" when clicked on Patient Id so that the lab technicians can easily enter the results instead of searching for patients and then manually selecting the pending tests for reporting.
  • Option to display Expiry Date in Stock Adjustment Loss Report in pharmacy downloadable reports.
  • IF STAT or SOS option is selected in OP EMR then instructions, duration and dosages not to be displayed in print outs as it is not applicable.
  • Ability to print Activity section in Nursing Station in IP EMR.


  • Minor bug fixes in the pharmacy module.

28/09/2020 Version : 1733c

Enhancements :

  • Ability to copy EMR data from one patient to another in order to save by re-entering the data again for the patient. ( Applicable for twins where most of the information will be common in both ).
  • Ability to retain in the same window in Pharmacy when an invoice is saved instead of going back to list.
  • Ability to print Medication Chart in Nursing Station in IP EMR.
  • Minor enhancements in E-Consult PeŮding List View.


  • Minor bug fixes in IP Module.

24/09/2020 Version : 1732c

Enhancements :

  • Ability to specify different online types when mode of payment is selected as "Online" while billing.
  • Ability to print Medication Orders in Nursing Station in IP EMR.
  • Ability to print Orders section in Nursing Station in IP EMR.
  • Ability to capture comments / notes in stock adjustment UI so that the reason for updating stocks is captured.
  • Ability to print Input / Out Chart Nursing Station in IP EMR.
  • Ability to print Vitals Chart Nursing Station in IP EMR.


  • Bug fix related to cancellation of IP Bill and refunding of payment in User Wise Summary Report.
  • Minor Bug fixes in EMR Module.
  • Bug fix related to attachments not being sent to patients when Send Respond & Completed in selected in Doctor App for Video Consultation.

21/09/2020 Version : 1730c-1731s

Bugs :

  • Bug fix related to slots not displayed in doctor online appointment page.

21/09/2020 Version : 1730c

Enhancements :

  • Ability to print "Orders" section which has information about investigations added in the Nursing Station in IP EMR.
  • Ability to print "Vitals Chart" in Nursing Station in IP EMR.
  • Support changing of time in future on the same date while discharging patients for insurance patients.
  • Consider BID as Morning and Evening in the Medication Chart instead of Morning & Afternoon in IP EMR.
  • Minor enhancements like increase in page size & sorting latest first in "Orders" UI where nurses enter tests from Nursing Station.
  • Minor enhancement to print Area in the Admission Print Out Form.
  • Minor enhancement not to allow negative OP Wallet amounts to be added in the patient wallet.
  • Minor enhancement to print Advice section / column in EMR Downloadable Report.
  • Minor enhancement to auto calculate for package total for items added in the entitlement while creating / editing a package.


  • Minor bug fix in total calculation for insurance patients when the quantity of the item is greater than 1 in OP Billing.
  • Minor bug fix in IP Bill Print out when item level discount was given.
  • Minor bug fix in Billing Summary Report.
  • Minor bug fix when bill is cancelled, the amount is displayed as Due in Billing Summary Report.

16/09/2020 Version : 1727c-1729s


  • Minor bug fix in Appointments where it was not sending feedback SMS to patients upon completion of appointments.
  • Alternate User ID Login issue in DocPulse Pro App for Video Consultation.

16/09/2020 Version : 1727c-1728s


  • Minor bug fix where invoices were not displayed in Invoice List which had Net Amount Negative ( -ve ) in case OPD Insurance is enabled. ( Only Bahrain Customer Scenario ).

15/09/2020 Version : 1727c


  • Minor enhancements in New Born Report in Downloadable reports by adding Patient Email id and Address columns.
  • Ability to admit the same patient even though the patient is already admitted for Insurance purposes.
  • Displaying of Date of Birth of patients in Lab Reporting User Interface so that it will be easier for lab technicians to know the DOB for reporting Paediatrics tests.
  • Displaying of number of days in EMR Token queue list view for new born babies.
  • Printing of Bed Details like Bed Number and Name in IP Lab Print out to identify and dispatch reports accordingly.  
  • Displaying of Date of Birth of patients inside EMR UI for doctors to know the DOB of the patients.
  • Addition of Advice column in EMR Downloadable reports.


  • Minor bug fixes in appointments and IP Billing module.

10/09/2020 Version : 1726c


  • Ability to send a copy of the lab report sent to patients for Lab Technician so that they can track whether it is sent to patients or not and then they can forward the same if required to patients.
  • Minor enhancements in Detailed Vendor Wise Payment Report in Pharmacy Analysis.
  • Minor enhancements in Appointments & Video Consultation Modules.
  • Sorting of stocks in Alphabetical Order in Stock Adjustment UI when searched by Rack Number.
  • Ability to reschedule Appointments from Call Center UI for past / old dated appointments for Video Appointments.
  • Sorting of tests in IP Lab UI and displaying of data according to the current date for easy entry of lab reports.


  • Minor bug fixes in EMR related to decimal value when lab results are imported to EMR.

07/09/2020 Version : 1725c


  • New feature to view Summary Details of the Stock Item across all batches in Pharmacy & Stocks Module under “Manage Stocks”.


  • Bug fixes in IP Module related to bed status auto updation, Appointments Module in App and Lab module.

03/09/2020 Version : 1724c


  • Displaying amount paid in words against each payment collected in the invoice.
  • Displaying amount paid in words in IP Detailed & Summary Print Out.
  • Ability to define mandatory fields at the time of admission like Admission Reason, Admitter / Attender Name etc.
  • Ability to enter consumables or medicines which are consumed internally by the nurses or particular department.
  • Print Out Changes in Indents like printing of expiry date, price against item and total.
  • Ability to print the modes like Google Pay, Phone Pay etc in Daily Collection Report when mode of payment is selected as "Online" while billing.


  • Minor bug fixes in EMR like removal of blank medicine entry rows if medicines are imported from a template directly without entering the medicine.
  • Minor bug fixes in appointments.
  • Minor bug fixes in EMR when opened in Mozilla Firefox

01/09/2020 Version : 1722c-1723s


  • Minor bug fixes in displaying Video & Normal Appointment Slots on the website.

28/08/2020 Version : 1722c


  • Ability to mention max redemptions for coupon codes during Video Appointment Booking.
  • Minor enhancements like displaying of page number, age according to the admitted date in IP Print Outs.
  • Provided template option in Nursing Station for Activity Notes so that nurses can create templates and capture the information against each patient & also display the name of the user who has entered the notes.
  • Displaying stock data in individual as well. Currently it is displaying in packs inBillable/Pharmacy Stock Status report.
  • Individual Receipt Print Out for payments & advances after discharge without editing the invoice once it is closed & discharged.
  • Provided editing date and time option while entering Notes in Nursing Activity Tracker in Nursing Station.
  • Displaying of Requested quantity in Dispensed Items table while dispensing the quantities in Pharmacy.
  • Items to be printed in ascending order i.e, date & time wise in IP detailed bill printout.
  • Provided “Print Prescription” option for completed tokens in Pharmacy Queue so that the users can print the prescription even after creating an invoice.
  • Provided notes option in Return Pharmacy Invoice to capture details against the vendor.


  • Minor bug fixes in billing, analysis & IP Module.
  • When the user tries to refund the payment to the wallet from the bill by clicking on "Add to wallet" page is getting reloaded.

24/08/2020 Version : 1720c-1721s

Bug Fixes:

  • Duplicate Invoice Creation Issue for Video Consultation when appointments are booked from the website.

23/08/2020 Version : 1720c

Bug Fixes:

  • Issue in displaying user names in Daily Collection Report in Analysis when Authorisation is enabled. 

21/08/2020 Version : 1719c


  • Option provided to enter notes in Return Invoices.
  • Optimization in Detailed Collection Report in OP, IP, Pharmacy & Revenue Analysis where it was displaying all the user names including nurses as it was taking longer time to load the list. Change done to display only the user names who have created bills for the day.
  • Displaying of Wallet Recharges done in OP or IP to be displayed in Collection Report.
  • Partial Cancellation of items in an invoice.


  • Minor bug fixes in Nursing Station, IP Billing & Pharmacy modules.
  • Minor bug fixes in appointments module where email was not sent for Video Consultation Responses.
  • Minor bug fixes in Billing & Lab modules related to locking of invoices & duplication of fields in lab reports ( corner case ).

17/08/2020 Version : 1717c


  • Hide Tax column for pharmacy return item in IP Bill printout.
  • Bug fix in Referral Discount if quantity is more than 1 in Pharmacy.
  • On editing discharge summary form if we try to import the template the popup closes automatically.

13/08/2020 Version : 1715c


  • Automatically mark newBorn as true during new Admission in case the user forgets to mark it as newborn so that the report is generated correctly.
  • Consider the Latest Room Number to be printed in IP Bill Print Out if room is changed from Twin Sharing to Luxury Room.
  • Cancellation reason to be made mandatory while cancelling a Bill in OPD.
  • Option to add the Consultant Doctor name and EDD while bed booking in OPD.
  • Bed Booking Report - This report will generate the data based on the amount collected against Bed Booking Charges for a patient.
  • Patient Wallet Report - This report will generate the data based on the amount collected against the Patient Wallet.

10/08/2020 Version : 1714c


  • When indents are saved and in case the user is not able to dispense all the items then display those item names in the pop-up so that users can choose alternate items and complete the indent.
  • In Pharmacy Monthly Invoice Report in Downloadable Billing Reports, introduced a new table with Returns for Pharmacy Items.
  • Support to select different modes of payments like PayTm, PhonePay, Google Pay when payment mode is selected as "Online" while adding payments in OP, IP & Pharmacy.
  • Support for Report Category configuration for Billing Items.
  • New Report for Item Wise Details along with Report Category.
  • Picture-in-Picture in Video Consultation is displayed in Patient Side when they use a phone.
  • Minor enhancements in Screen Sharing in Video Consultation.
  • Cancťl Bill option is provided in OPD List View based on Authorisations where instead of cancelling the items and adding refund in case of wrong patient selected OR tests added by mistake.


  • Minor Bug Fixes:
  • Vendor Names not displayed in Stock Report.
  • Cancelled admission not to be displayed in IP EMR ( Nursing Station ).
  • Paging issue in IP Nursing Station List View.

06/08/2020 Version : 1713c


  • Additional Rows to display Refunds, Net Collection & Total Collection in User Wise Summary Report in “Revenue Analysis”.
  • Ability to print the requested Items ( Indents ) in Nursing Station.
  • OP Bill Print Out changes not to display token number, room number when token system is enabled in billing module.
  • Provision to add multiple discounts in IP Bill. Earlier, we were supporting only 1 discount to be added but now we support multiple discounts as well to be added in the same IP Bill.
  • Start Date & End Date option in IP Bills List View so that the users can check the number of discharges between selected dates.
  • Custom date selector like Start Date & End instead of Month & Year options in Downloadable Reports in Analysis for a couple of reports.
  • Additional columns added in Doctor Charges Report like bill type, admission reason etc in Downloadable Reports

04/08/2020 Version : 1711c


  • “Edit Payment” button to be enabled / disabled in OP Bills List View based on Authorisations.
  • Minor enhancements in OP EMR


  • Minor bug fixes in OP EMR & Billing Module.

30/07/2020 Version : 1709c


  • Refunds to be displayed separately in User Wise Summary Report to understand the total refunds for the day across users.
  • Vaccination Billing Items / Names to be configured in OP EMR for Paediatrics and linking it with Pharmacy module for easier creation of bills.
  • Support for detecting similar vaccines ( if brand names are different and composition is same ) in the Pharmacy bill if the exact vaccine prescribed in EMR is not found to be billed.
  • Display sections according to the client section order in E-Consult / Video Consultation EMR.
  • Separate expense vendor names and pharmacy analysis vendor names.
  • Tokens not displayed when we change the location in EMR Queue.
  • Wallet / deposit amount paid by the patient to be automatically reflected in IP Bill instead of showing in locked transaction in case payment is deleted.
  • Receipt ID to be generated for bed booking payment and the same to be printed in the print out.


  • Minor bug fixes in Nursing Station IP EMR and Vaccination section in OP EMR.
  • Discount Round off Issue in Pharmacy billing.
  • When a doctor refers a patient to an internal doctor in OP EMR then it was not creating a token for the doctor in Billing.

27/07/2020 Version : 1708c


  • Receiving indents to be made easier for nurses by providing an option for nurses to click on accept all the items present in the indent.
  • Ability to create invoices for normal paid appointments booked either through website or internal appointment. ( Currently it was applicable only for Video Appointments )
  • Removal of additional SMSes in Reminders SMS to patients.
  • Change in SMS content in Doctor Appointment Summary SMS for normal appointments & Video Appointments.
  • Ability to collect payment from POS Machines directly / interfacing with POS Machines.
  • Hide zero stocks items while creating a return invoice against a vendor.
  • Provide a checkbox to change the scheduled date in the vaccination profile in case the doctors would like to override the scheduled dates.
  • Table / Summary view for Purchase Invoice
  • Email and SMS content changes when a doctor sends a prescription to a patient like in case they would like to upload reports then a different content and to download prescriptions.


  • Minor bug fixes in appointments & Billing Modules.

22/07/2020 Version : 1707c


  • Enhancements in Public appointment pages from Websites to differentiate Video Slots and In-Person Slots for patients to easily book appointments.


  • When entering the quantity of the indented item if clicked on the back / delete button the entire item was being removed.

21/07/2020 Version : 1704c-1706s


  • Send URL / link to upload reports via SMS to patients who have booked Video Appointments from IVR so that they can upload the old reports or prescriptions in case email Id is not configured against a patient.
  • Discharge In Progress Patients List to view those patients for whom discharge is initiated by the doctors.
  • Additional Rows - OP Wallet Redemptions/Refunds and IP Wallet Redemptions/Refunds provided in Payment Summary Report patients.
  • Enhancements in Doctor Charges Downloadable Report

20/07/2020 Version : 1704c-1705s


  • Hide “Out of stock items” in Medication Orders in Nursing Station
  • Ability to select Start Date and End Date enabled in Monthly Invoice Report and Insurance Reports instead of monthly options.
  • Ability to configure Report Category for each billing item to generate reports based on the category.
  • Report category columns added in OP Monthly Downloadable Reports

16/07/2020 Version : 1704c


  • Ability to enter absolute values in Sharing Category in Doctor Charges Summary Report.
  • "Main Pharmacy Store" to be displayed by default in dispense or request indents view in Pharmacy and Store Modules.
  • Made changes to display totals within the pop-up in Purchase invoice Edit View.
  • Patient contact number entered in Patient Registration to be printed in Admission Print Out.
  • Monthly invoice reports for “New Born” category Patients.
  • Additional columns in IP invoice report - Add Discount, Pharmacy-Net, Pharmacy-Dispensed,Pharmacy-Returns.
  • Enhancements in Insurance Report Downloadable Report
  • Print Original Copy button in the Summary View in IP Bill & in a different colour to differentiate the buttons.
  • New Pharmacy Report for Output GST sales and returns report for Pharmacy and IP.
  • Updation of Room Status to “Available” State instead of “Maintenance” after discharge.
  • Tax columns to be hidden in the IP Bill detailed print out as it is not applicable in IP Bills for pharmacy items .


  • File number is printed in reverse order in EMR Downloadable report
  • The PDF document attached inside lab reports was not reflecting after the complete payment was done by the patient. ( Scenario is where patient has made partially payment during sample collection and then they have made complete payment before collecting the lab report )
  • Minor bug fixes in appointments and IP Modules.

19/05/2020 Version : 1673c


  • Added Payment Reference Number & Patient ID columns in Video Appointments Report.
  • Minor enhancements in the EMR module to hide some buttons.
  • Ability to view Growth Charts inside Vitals section in EMR.

14/05/2020 Version : 1670c


  • Ability to send automated reports in email to Management regarding doctor’s availability and the number of appointment slots configured for a day.
  • Feedback Email and SMS content changes for Video Consultation
  • Ability to print the doctor name in payment link so that patients can identify the doctor for whom they are booking an appointment.
  • Sending information related to DocPulse App for Video Consultation for patients like App Link, mobile number and 4 digit code
  • Ability to add Coupon Codes to get discounts on Consultation Charges for Video Consultation to encourage patients to use VC.
  • Display Coupon Code and Booked By columns in Video Appointments Report.

06/05/2020 Version : 1668c


  • If a doctor is changed in an appointment then the new doctor userId to be updated in EMR as well
  • Added Remarks Column in Video Appointments Reports to understand the comments entered by the users.


  • Issue in Doctor Dashboard is fixed
  • Issue while rescheduling video appointment from Doctor app is fixed

04/05/2020 Version : 1667c


  • Added ability for patients to download Android App in Video Appointments Link to easily connect for Video Consultation.
  • Ability not to display all the attachments in Appointment which is uploaded by patients in the previous appointments in the current appointment rather It should display the attachment uploaded for that appointment only.
  • Ability to search by patient name in Files Module

30/04/2020 Version : 1664c


  • Feedback SMS & Email to be sent for VC appts if completed from EMR.
  • Display Reserved Slots in different colour in Calendar View to differentiate other slots.
  • Show the entire EMR when doctors click on any past dates in E-Consult record.
  • Patient ID to be added in Follow Query SMS sent to the doctor to identify the patients easily to respond to their Follow-up queries.
  • Ability to add additional investigations / tests in EMR for Video Consultation.


  • Minor bug fixes in IP and Pharmacy modules.

25/04/2020 Version : 1663c


  • Made enhancement in SMS to include Hospital Name in Video Consultation Appointment.
  • Made changes not to display records which has status "Payment Not Made" when searched by patient name/ID/number in Econsult Module
  • Provided an option to send an invoice as a PDF document to the patient once the response is sent by the doctors for Video Consultation.


  • Logout issue when clicked on Save or Send Response in EMR for Video Consultation.
  • Issue of Page reload in Analysis because of Google Chrome Version update.
  • Prescription PDF issue in Email

24/04/2020 Version : 1658c-1659s


  • Patient Wallet / Deposit account feature.
  • Ability to add Advance payment from “Patient Wallet” is selected in IP Bills.
  • Ability to send multiple options in Email for Video Consultation for patients to connect.
  • Displaying of multiple email Ids in Video Appointments Report.
  • Minor enhancements in SMS for booking Video Appointment.
  • Ability to print all like Weight, Height and HC in Growth Charts in 1 Print out.
  • New report for "Detailed Expense Report" in Analysis

07/04/2020 Version : 1644c


  • Consent Form Support while booking Video Consultation Appointment.
  • Support for custom sections inside Activity tracker in Nursing Station in IP EMR.
  • Ability to display multiple sections into 1 main section inside Nursing Station in IP EMR.
  • Ability to send payment links to patients when a normal appointment is changed / converted to Video Appointment.


  • Minor bug fixes in OP, IP & Pharmacy modules.

06/04/2020 Version : 1643c


IP Module:

  • Enhancements in tracking nursing activity in IP Module.
  • Printing of bed information & additional data in IP Detailed Report.
  • Ability not allow patients to be discharged if complete payment is not received.
  • IP Package Implementation for different packages to be supported in IP Module.
  • Input / Output Chart implementation in IP under Nursing Station.

Order Management:

  • Made enhancement to display separate Status as “Billing is done” and “Fitting is done” Instead of single "Completed" status in Audiologist order screen.
  • Order deletion to be disabled instead separate status can be given as cancelled with cancellation reason in order to know why particular order is cancelled


  • Minor bug fixes in IP under Nursing Station, Video Consultation and Analysis Modules

17/03/2020 Version : 1627c

Enhancements :

  • API Integration with different HIMS to fetch patient details from existing software to DocPulse

05/03/2020 Version : 1623c


  • Minor enhancements in IP Module to display Radiology bills separately.
  • Authorisation to add discount only for IP Bills.
  • Additional columns like GST details added in GST Details in Monthly invoice report for pharmacy.


  • If Pharmacy Indent is created from Nursing Station then the same was getting added in IP Requests in OP Billing Queue made a fix not to add pharmacy indents in IP Requests.

28/02/2020 Version : 1620c-1621s


  • Ability to Lab, Radiology and Pharmacy items in Nursing Station for which the bills will be created separately under IP Bills & payment will be collected immediately from patients for these items.
  • Display Doctor Name and next Token in Common Token Display
  • Simplified Location search and to book appts in both Call Center and Calendar View.
  • Option provided to capture Campaign Name when Campaign is selected in Leads / CRM Module.
  • Alert system provided for users about lead & CRM updates.

28/02/2020 Version : 1620c

  • Ability to add Visiting Doctors included in the Doctor drop down for billing elements.
  • Display of department, room number and PRN in single display
  • Additional columns added in Purchase GST payment Report.
  • Colour indication in return invoice list view to indicate when a credit note is added.
  • Ability to add borders in OP, IP and Pharmacy bills print out.
  • When Rack Number in Pharmacy Billing Item is changed then the same should be updated in all Stock items


  • Minor bug fixes in the Pharmacy module.

27/02/2020 Version : 1619c


  • Display Data for IP Lab and IP Pharmacy in User wise summary report.
  • Enhancements done to improve search stocks feature.
  • Ability to send SMS to patients in case of delay or to communicate some information to certain patients about it.
  • Made changes to not to allow users to change add payment date (add advance).


  • Minor Bug fixes regarding Salutation of Consultant in IP Detailed Bill and IP Summary Bill Printouts.