We at DocPulse are constantly looking at improving the reliability of our software. We listen to our customer feedback, and always keep an eye on issues that cause problems for clinic/hospital operations. We are happy to announce one more feature which goes a long way in improving reliability of EMRs.

One Patient One EMR - No duplicate :

Earlier version was allowing two persons to edit a patient's EMR record simultaniously (e.g. Front-desk operator editing the vitals, where doctor might be editing the prescription or other sections). But in some extremely rare cases, it was causing glitch in the records. Now, from this point, two people can not create or edit the EMR of the same patient simultaniously. Please provide your feedback on this, if you have any concern.

The new Feature :

The system will prevent any duplication of EMRs even when multiple users are creating or editing records. This is achieved by a "software lock" which gets created when a user tries to either create or edit a EMR. If another user attempts to operate on the same EMR, system smartly detects this, and informs them. Of course, there may be situations when a user may start editing and forgets to finish the work. In such cases, we have also provided the admin a way to "unlock" the EMR. All the admin has to do is to go to the EMR list view, select the EMR in question and "unlock"!

The Details:

  • If multiple user tries to Edit the record then the software displays a pop-up message as : "Another user (email id) is editing the record, and hence any changes is prohibited. Please wait for some time and try again. Or if you think this is in error, please contact your administrator".
  • Once the user saves the data and clicks on "Back to List" ,"Save All" button from Summary and Print or "Back" button of chrome browser the EMR gets unlocked.
  • If  browser crashes or system shuts down then EMR Lock can be unlocked by the same user by saving the EMR again after logging In to their respective accounts.
  • Admin can unlock the EMR by selecting that particular record from "Manage EMR" option under "EMR" module and Clicking on "Unlock" button.

Also while EMR creation, If EMR is locked it can be unlocked by Admin by clicking on unlock icon as shown below.